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 Volunteers interested in helping disadvantaged parents to prepare for Family Court and Social Care proceedings  

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Training and helping disadvantaged parents provides marketable experience and unique insight into the reality of community work, particularly the remedial strategies to safeguard protect and provide the highest quality of life for vulnerable children. Training courses are individual and prearranged on Time spent assisting or hosting our CPD training courses contribute to membership of CPD Volunteers can also assist parents complete their written responses to topics in our Parenting Assessment


Region, All UK : Phone, 07773722767 : Last updated,  04, Mar, 25

 Trustee vacancy for Parenting Together children's charity (volunteer post)  

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We offer a range of services designed to support and protect children and disadvantaged parents. Trustees have two main roles that include monitoring our performance to ensure we honour our mission and consult with the other trustees on matters that measure our effectiveness and performance. All our meetings are virtual, online. Benefits include, courses, CPD accreditation, management training, networking and more Our charity also wants to network with existing NPOs, charities, community projects and companies with a shared interest in protecting local children


Region, All UK : Phone, 01677 455 192 : Last updated,  07, Mar, 25

 Fundraising and donations executive (commission work) 

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The charity is regulated by the Fundraising Regulator - ensuring strict guidelines on ethics and integrity. We impose our own standards that go beyond, to much higher levels that might prevent scammers exploiting vulnerable parents on social media. (FB has refused to do anything about this) The charity is constituted to pay 10% commission on donations and for successful funding applications.


Region, All UK : Phone, 01677 455 192  : Last updated,  08, Mar, 25

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